Art Books/Catalogs
Art Book Leo Schimanszky
Black and White, Hardcover
Author: Ninon Gauthier
Canada 1981
Art Book Leo Schimanszky Color, Hardcover, Authors:Guy Robert Raymond Lacroix Prof. Angelica Bäumer
ISBN 10: 3900926115ISBN 13: 97839009261131992, 209 pages
Recent Works Catalog 2000
Color, 24 pages
Limited Edition: 1500
ISBN 09690781-0-2-3
Over the years, many people took upon themselves to put in books and catalogs the life work of Leo Schimanszky.
Ninon Gauthier was the first one in 1981 with a hardcover book in black and white that caught the essence and the character of Leo's work.
In 1992, it was the turn of Canadian art critics Guy Robert and Raymond Lacroix and Austrian art critic Prof. Angelica Bäumler to cover Leo's work in a hardcover book in full color.
Then followed a self produced catalog in 2000 that covered most of Leo's recent work. They are all available through this site. Please contact the Artist for more information.
SCHIMANSZKY-2022 - Catalog with his latest Works. ( Limited Edition.500-Color 20pages-15$
Please contact the Artist for more information :